Vinyl (LP)

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noriu-šokt noriu-šokt

Vinyl (LP) Jovani - Noriu Šokt

A1 JisJovani, Ledi Ais A2 Megaitės Nori MylėtJovani, Atlanta A3 Rudenio NaktysJovani, Junior A4 Sparnai Tavo SielaiJovani, Simutė A5 Mylėt TaveJovani, Lemon Joy A6 Keistos MintysJovani, Junior B1 Viskas Bus...
my-everything- my-everything-

Vinyl (LP) Ariana Grande - My Everything

A1 Intro 1:20 A2 Problem 3:13 A3 One Last Time 3:17 A4 Why Try 3:31 A5 Break Free 3:35 A6 Best Mistake 3:53 B1 Be My Baby 3:36 B2 Break...

Vinyl (LP) Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time

A1 …Baby One More Time 3:30 A2 (You Drive Me) Crazy 3:17 A3 Sometimes 4:05 A4 Soda Pop 3:20 A5 Born To Make You Happy 4:03 A6 From The Bottom...
dinamika-30 dinamika-30

Vinyl (LP) Dinamika - Dinamika 30

A1 Padovanok Man A2 Abejingumas A3 Neviltis Naktyje A4 Saldi Nuodėmė B5 Likimo Labirintas B6 Draugui B7 Meilė Akla B8 Aš Ieškojau Tavęs C9 Meilės Naktis C10 Dar Pabūkim Kartu...
cuori-agitati cuori-agitati

Vinyl (LP) Eros Ramazzotti - Cuori Agitati

A1 Cuori agitati A2 Respiro nel blu A3 Buongiorno bambina A4 Ora A5 Volare navigare camminare B1 Una stroria importante B2 Quando l'amore B3 Dritto per quell'unica via B4 Liberta...
tutte-storie tutte-storie

Vinyl (LP) Eros Ramazzotti - Tutte Storie

A1 Cose Della Vita 4:48 A2 A Mezza Via 5:37 A3 Un'Altra Te 4:40 A4 Memorie 4:50 A5 In Compagnia 4:38 A6 Un Grosso No 5:04 B1 Favola 4:20 B2...
step-back-in-time-(the-definitive-collection) step-back-in-time-(the-definitive-collection)

Vinyl (LP) Kylie* - Step Back In Time (The Definitive Collection)

A1 Can't Get You Out Of My Head 3:50 A2 Spinning Around 3:27 A3 Love At First Sight 3:58 A4 In Your Eyes 3:17 A5 Slow 3:13 B1 All The...
the-fame the-fame

Vinyl (LP) Lady Gaga - The Fame

A1 Just Dance A2 Lovegame A3 Paparazzi A4 Poker Face B1 Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) B2 Beautiful, Dirty, Rich B3 The Fame C1 Money Honey C2 Starstruck...
alyvos alyvos

Vinyl (LP) Man-Go* - Alyvos

Medley A1a Išsiskyrimas A1b Vaikystė A1c Tu Reikalingas A1d Netikėjom A1e Drugelis A2 Paviršius Širdies A3 Ar Dar Mane Sapnuoji? A4 Pavasariniai Žiedai A5 Pumpurėliai B6 Alyvos B7 Beržynėliai B8...
200-km/h-in-the-wrong-lane 200-km/h-in-the-wrong-lane

Vinyl (LP) t.A.T.u. - 200 Km/H In The Wrong Lane

A1 Not Gonna Get Us A2 All The Things She Said A3 Show Me Love B1 30 Minutes B2 How Soon Is Now? B3 Clowns (Can You See Me Now?)...
80s-re:covered---your-songs-with-the-80s-sound 80s-re:covered---your-songs-with-the-80s-sound

Vinyl (LP) Various - 80's Re:Covered - Your Songs With The 80's Sound

The Singles A1 High & DryABC, ABC 4:24 A2 It's Too LateChina Crisis, China Crisis 4:10 A3 Rocket ManHeaven 17, Heaven 17 4:38 A4 Under My ThumbKim Carnes, Kim Carnes...
my-everything my-everything

Vinyl (LP) Ariana Grande - My Everything

A1 Intro 1:20 A2 Problem 3:13 A3 One Last Time 3:17 A4 Why Try 3:31 A5 Break Free 3:35 A6 Best Mistake 3:53 B1 Be My Baby 3:36 B2 Break...
ring-ring ring-ring

Vinyl (LP) ABBA - Ring Ring

A1 Ring, Ring (Bara Du Slog En Signal) 3:05 A2 Another Town, Another Train 3:10 A3 Disillusion 3:03 A4 People Need Love 2:42 A5 I Saw It In The Mirror...
alyvos alyvos

Vinyl (LP) Man-Go* - Alyvos

Medley A1a Išsiskyrimas A1b Vaikystė A1c Tu Reikalingas A1d Netikėjom A1e Drugelis A2 Paviršius Širdies A3 Ar Dar Mane Sapnuoji? A4 Pavasariniai Žiedai A5 Pumpurėliai B6 Alyvos B7 Beržynėliai B8...
fancy-for-fans fancy-for-fans

Vinyl (LP) Fancy - Fancy For Fans

A1 Slice Me Nice / S.L.I.C.E. 4:03 A2 Fools Cry / Whenever Fools Cry 3:38 A3 When Guardian Angels....Rap 5:30 A4 Flames Of Love / Love Flames 3:56 A5 Deep...