Filmų garso takeliai

Kurio filmo garso takelis populiariausias?Asmens sargybinis (The Bodyguard)„Asmens sargybinis“ buvo...
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Rūšiavimas: Siūlomos
goal!-the-world-cup-1966-(original-film-soundtrack) goal!-the-world-cup-1966-(original-film-soundtrack)

CD John Hawksworth - Goal! The World Cup 1966 (Original Film Soundtrack)

1 Goal! The World Cup - Introduction 2:18 2 Arrival 3:10 3 London 1:29 4 Wembley / Opening Ceremony / HM The Queen / England v Uruguay 5:30 5 England...
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CD Various - American Psycho (Music From The Controversial Motion Picture)

1 You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)Dope 2:44 2 Monologue 1Christian Bale 0:39 3 Something In The Air (American Psycho Remix)David Bowie 6:01 4 Watching Me Fall (Underdog Remix)The...
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CD Various - Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai - The Album

1 Samurai Code QuoteForest Whitaker 0:15 2 Strange Eyes12 O'Clock, Blue Raspberry, Sunz Of Man 5:05 3 4 Sho ShoNorth Star 4:44 4 Zip CodeBlack Knights 3:06 5 Samurai Code...