Filmų garso takeliai

Kurio filmo garso takelis populiariausias?Asmens sargybinis (The Bodyguard)„Asmens sargybinis“ buvo...
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fantasy-movie-themes fantasy-movie-themes

CD Roy Budd & Jerry Goldsmith & Alfred Newman & John Williams - Fantasy Movie Themes

1 Suite: Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Temple of Doom 5:55 2 Sindbad and the Eye of the Tiger 8:06 3 The Wild Geese 3:09 4 The Mark...
get-carter---an-original-soundtrack-recording get-carter---an-original-soundtrack-recording

CD Roy Budd - Get Carter - An Original Soundtrack Recording

1 Intro 0:32 2 Dialogue 0:16 3 Main Theme - Carter Takes A Train 2:59 4 Dialogue 0:30 5 Looking For Someone 2:35 6 Dialogue - The Race Track 1:24...