Filmų garso takeliai

Kurio filmo garso takelis populiariausias?Asmens sargybinis (The Bodyguard)„Asmens sargybinis“ buvo...
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the-chronicles-of-narnia:-the-lion,-the-witch-and-the-wardrobe-(original-soundtrack) the-chronicles-of-narnia:-the-lion,-the-witch-and-the-wardrobe-(original-soundtrack)

CD Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (Original Soundtrack)

1 The Blitz, 1940Harry Gregson-Williams 2:32 2 Evacuating LondonHarry Gregson-Williams 3:38 3 The WardrobeHarry Gregson-Williams 2:54 4 Lucy Meets Mr. TumnusHarry Gregson-Williams 4:10 5 A Narnia LullabyHarry Gregson-Williams 1:12 6...
the-chronicles-of-narnia:-the-lion,-the-witch-and-the-wardrobe-(original-soundtrack) the-chronicles-of-narnia:-the-lion,-the-witch-and-the-wardrobe-(original-soundtrack)

CD Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (Original Soundtrack)

1 The Blitz, 1940Harry Gregson-Williams 2:32 2 Evacuating LondonHarry Gregson-Williams 3:38 3 The WardrobeHarry Gregson-Williams 2:54 4 Lucy Meets Mr. TumnusHarry Gregson-Williams 4:10 5 A Narnia LullabyHarry Gregson-Williams 1:12 6...