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CD Various - The Complete Christmas Celebration
Mokesčiai įskaičiuoti.
Pristatymas apskaičiuojamas atsiskaitant
Prekės būklė: Naudotas
Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 (Parts I-III) | ||
Part One - For The First Day Of Christmas | ||
1.1 | Chorus: Jauchzet, Frohlocket | 7:41 |
1.2 | Recitative: Es Begab Sich | 1:11 |
1.3 | Recitative: Nun Wird Mein Liebster Bräutigam | 0:51 |
1.4 | Aria: Bereite Dich, Zion | 5:04 |
1.5 | Chorale: Wie Soll Ich Dich Empfangen | 1:04 |
1.6 | Recitative: Und Sie Gebar Ihren Ersten Sohn | 0:21 |
1.7 | Chorale: Er Ist Auf Erden Kommen Arm - Recitative: Wer Will Die Liebe Recht Erhöhn | 2:57 |
1.8 | Aria: Großer Herr, O Starker König | 4:22 |
1.9 | Chorale: Ach Mein Herzliebes Jesulein | 1:13 |
Part Two - For The Second Day Of Christmas | ||
1.10 | Sinfonia | 5:17 |
1.11 | Recitative: Und Es Waren Hirten | 0:35 |
1.12 | Chorale: Brich An, O Schönes Morgenlicht | 1:01 |
1.13 | Recitative: Und Der Engel Sprach Zu Ihnen - Angel: Fürchtet Euch Nicht | 0:38 |
1.14 | Recitative: Was Gott Dem Abraham Verheißen | 0:42 |
1.15 | Aria: Frohe Hirten, Eilt, Ach Eilet | 3:18 |
1.16 | Recitative: Und Das Habt Zum Zeichen | 0:23 |
1.17 | Chorale: Schaut Hin, Dort Liegt Im Finstern Stall | 0:39 |
1.18 | Recitative: So Geht Denn Hin | 0:49 |
1.19 | Aria: Schlafe, Mein Liebster, Geniesse Der Ruh | 9:21 |
1.20 | Recitative: Und Alsbald War Da Bei Dem Engel | 0:15 |
1.21 | Chorus: Ehre Sei Gott In Der Höhe | 2:27 |
1.22 | Recitative: So recht, ihr Engel | 0:23 |
1.23 | Chorale: Wir Singen Dir In Deinem Heer | 1:09 |
Part Three - For The Third Day Of Christmas | ||
1.24 | Chorus: Herrscher Des Himmels | 1:50 |
1.25 | Recitative: Und Da Die Engel | 0:09 |
1.26 | Chorus: Lasset Uns Nun Gehen Gen Bethlehem | 0:39 |
1.27 | Recitative: Er Hat Sein Volk Getröst | 0:36 |
1.28 | Chorale: Dies Hat Er Alles Uns Getan | 0:44 |
1.29 | Duet: Herr, Dein Mitleid, Dein Erbarmen | 6:49 |
1.30 | Recitative: Und Sie Kamen Eilend | 1:09 |
1.31 | Aria: Schließe, Mein Herze, Dies Selige Wunder | 4:59 |
1.32 | Recitative: Ja, Ja, Mein Herz Soll Es Bewahren | 0:21 |
1.33 | Chorale: Ich Will Dich Mit Fleiß Bewahren | 0:50 |
1.34 | Recitative: Und Die Hirten Kehrten Wieder Um | 0:23 |
1.35 | Chorale: Seid Froh Dieweil | 0:43 |
1.36 | Chorus (da capo): Herrscher des Himmels | 1:56 |
Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 (Parts IV-VI) | ||
Part Four - For The Feast Of The Circumcision | ||
2.1 | Chorus: Fallt Mit Danken, Fallt Mit Loben | 5:31 |
2.2 | Recitative: Und Da Acht Tage Um Waren | 0:32 |
2.3 | Recitative: Immanuel, O Süßes Wort - Arioso: Jesu, Du Mein Liebstes Leben | 2:16 |
2.4 | Aria: Flösst, Mein Heiland, Flösst Dein Namen | 5:40 |
2.5 | Recitative: Wohlan, Dein Name Soll Allein - Chorale: Jesu Mein Freud Und Wonne | 1:21 |
2.6 | Aria: Ich Will Nur Dir Zu Ehren Leben | 4:23 |
2.7 | Chorale: Jesus Richte Mein Beginnen | 1:58 |
Part Five: For The First Sunday In The New Year | ||
2.8 | Chorus: Ehre Sei Dir, Gott, Gesungen | 5:56 |
2.9 | Recitative: Da Jesu Geboren War | 0:23 |
2.10 | Chorus: Wo Ist Der Neugeborne König Der Juden - Recitative: Sucht Ihn In Meiner Brust | 1:40 |
2.11 | Chorale: Dein Glanz All Finsternis Verzehrt | 0:45 |
2.12 | Aria: Erleucht Auch Meine Finstre Sinnen | 3:59 |
2.13 | Recitative: Da Das Der König Herodes Hörte | 0:12 |
2.14 | Recitative: Warum Wollt Ihr Erschrecken | 0:30 |
2.15 | Recitative: Und Ließ Versammeln | 1:24 |
2.16 | Trio: Ach, Wann Wird Die Zeit Erscheinen? | 5:34 |
2.17 | Recitative: Mein Liebster Herrschet Schon | 0:25 |
2.18 | Chorale: Zwar Ist Solche Herzensstube | 0:47 |
Part Six: For The Feast Of Epiphany | ||
2.19 | Chorus: Herr, Wenn Die Stolzen Feinde | 4:58 |
2.20 | Recitative: Da Berief Herodes Die Weisen - Herod: Ziehet Hin Und Forschet Fleißig | 0:43 |
2.21 | Recitative: Du Falscher | 0:56 |
2.22 | Aria: Nur Ein Wink von Seinen Händen | 4:23 |
2.23 | Recitative: Als Sie Nun Den König Gehöret Hatten | 1:03 |
2.24 | Chorale: Ich Steh An Deiner Krippen Hier | 1:02 |
2.25 | Recitative: Und Gott Befahl Ihnen Im Traum | 0:23 |
2.26 | Recitative: So Geht! | 1:52 |
2.27 | Aria: Nun Mögt Ihr Stolzen Feinde Schrecken | 3:59 |
2.28 | Recitative: Was Will Der Hölle Schrecken Nun | 0:37 |
2.29 | Chorale: Nun Seid Ihr Wohl Gerochen | 3:26 |
Messiah HWV 56 Parts I & II (beg.) | ||
Part One | ||
3.1 | Sinfony | 2:57 |
3.2 | Recitative: Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye, My People | 6:36 |
3.2 | Song: Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted | |
3.3 | Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord | 2:51 |
3.4 | Recitative: Thus Saith The Lord | 5:31 |
3.4 | Song: But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming | |
3.5 | Chorus: And He Shall Purify | 2:43 |
3.6 | Recitative: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive | 6:15 |
3.6 | Song: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion | |
3.7 | Recitative: For Behold | 5:36 |
3.7 | Song: The People That Walked In Darkness | |
3.8 | Chorus: For Unto Us A Child Is Born | 4:15 |
3.9 | Pifa | 0:53 |
3.10 | Recitative: There Were Shepherds | 3:22 |
3.10 | Recitative: And Io, The Angel Of The Lord | |
3.10 | Recitative: And The Angel Said Unto Them | |
3.10 | Recitative: And Suddenly There Was An Angel | |
3.10 | Chorus: Glory To God | |
3.11 | Song: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion | 4:09 |
3.12 | Recitative: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind | 5:04 |
3.12 | Song: He Shall Feed His Flock | |
3.13 | Chorus: His Yoke Is Easy | 2:38 |
Part Two | ||
3.14 | Chorus: Behold The Lamb Of God | 2:22 |
3.15 | Song: He Was Despised | 10:20 |
Messiah HWV 56 Parts II (cont.) & III | ||
Part Two (cont.) | ||
4.1 | Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs | 3:57 |
4.1 | Chorus: And With His Stripes We Are Healed | |
4.2 | Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray | 4:07 |
4.3 | Recitative: All They That See Him | 2:59 |
4.3 | Chorus: He Trusted In God | |
4.4 | Recitative: Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart | 3:38 |
4.4 | Song: Behold And See If There Be Any Sorrrow Like Unto His Sorrow | |
4.4 | Recitative: He Was Cut Off | |
4.5 | Song: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell | 2:23 |
4.6 | Chorus: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates | 3:15 |
4.7 | Recitative: Unto Wich Of The Angels | 1:44 |
4.7 | Chorus: Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him | |
4.8 | Song: Thou Art Gone Up On High | 2:54 |
4.9 | Chorus: The Lord Gave The Word | 1:14 |
4.10 | Song: How Beautiful Are The Feet | 2:05 |
4.11 | Chorus: Their Sound Is Gone Out | 1:21 |
4.12 | Song: Why Do The Nations | 3:15 |
4.12 | Chorus: Let Us Brake Their Bonds Asunder | |
4.13 | Recitative: He That Dwelleth In Heaven | 2:11 |
4.13 | Song: Thou Shalt Breake Them | 3:54 |
4.14 | Chorus: Hallelujah | 0:47 |
Part Three | ||
4.15 | Song: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth | 5:39 |
4.16 | Chorus: Since By Man Came Death | 2:02 |
4.17 | Recitative: Behold I Tell You A Mystery | 9:00 |
4.17 | Song: The Trumpet Shall Sound | |
4.18 | Recitative: Then Shall Be Brought To Pass | 1:24 |
4.18 | Duet: Oh Death, Where Is Thy Sting? | |
4.19 | Chorus: But Thanks Be To God | 2:18 |
4.20 | Song: If God Be For Us | 4:22 |
4.21 | Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain | 3:45 |
4.22 | Chorus: Amen | 3:35 |
The Nutcracker, Op.71 | ||
5.1 | Overture | 3:13 |
Act One - Tableau 1 | ||
5.2 | The Christmas Tree | 3:45 |
5.3 | March | 2:14 |
5.4 | Galop And Dance Of The Parents | 2:13 |
5.5 | Dance Scene - The Presents Of Drosselmeyer | 5:02 |
5.6 | Scene - Grandfather Dance | 5:31 |
5.7 | Clara And The Nutcracker | 6:23 |
5.8 | The Nutcracker Battles Against The Army Of The Mouse King - He Wins And Is Transformed Into Prince Charming | 3:21 |
Act One - Tableau II | ||
5.9 | In The Christmas Tree | 3:32 |
5.10 | Scene And Waltz Of The Snowflakes | 6:05 |
Act Two - Tableau III | ||
5.11 | The Magic Castle On The Mountain Of Sweets | 3:23 |
5.12 | Clara And Prince Charming | 4:52 |
Divertissement | ||
5.13 | Chocolate (Spanish Dance) | 1:10 |
5.14 | Coffee (Arabian Dance) | 3:11 |
5.15 | Tea (Chinese Dance) | 1:07 |
5.16 | Trépak (Russian Dance) | 1:01 |
5.17 | Dance Of The Reed Pipes | 2:14 |
5.18 | Polichinelle (The Clown) | 2:24 |
5.19 | Waltz Of The Flowers | 6:24 |
Pas De Deux | ||
5.20 | Intrada | 5:01 |
5.21 | Variation I (Tarantella) | 0:36 |
5.22 | Variation II (Dance Of The Sugar-Plum Fairy) | 2:05 |
5.23 | Coda | 1:15 |
5.24 | Closing Waltz - Grand Finale | 4:56 |
German Christmas Songs | ||
6.1 | O Du Fröhliche, O Du Selige | 2:23 |
6.2 | Übers Gebirg Maria Geht | 2:50 |
6.3 | Benedixisti, Domine | 1:57 |
6.4 | Hodie Christus Natus Est | 2:41 |
6.5 | O Jesulein Zart | 2:04 |
6.6 | Es Ist Ein Ros' Entsprungen | 2:38 |
6.7 | Von Der Geburt Christi: O Freude Über Freud' | 3:42 |
6.8 | Heilige Nacht | 2:25 |
6.9 | Quem Pastores Laudavere | 3:09 |
6.10 | Vom Himmel Hoch, Da Komm Ich Her | 2:04 |
6.11 | Wie Schön Singt Uns Der Engel Schar | 2:04 |
6.12 | Still, O Himmel | 2:04 |
6.13 | Es Blühen Die Maien | 1:35 |
6.14 | Verbum Caro Factum Est | 2:49 |
6.15 | Freu' Dich, Erd' Und Sternenzelt | 2:08 |
6.16 | O Schlafe, Schlafe, Göttlicher Knabe | 2:08 |
6.17 | Auf Dem Berge Da Geht Der Wind | 1:30 |
6.18 | Adeste Fideles | 2:30 |
6.19 | Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht | 3:01 |
English Christmas Carols | ||
7.1 | Once In Royal David’s City | 4:27 |
7.2 | Up! Good Christen Folk, & Listen | 1:18 |
7.3 | On Christmas Night | 2:01 |
7.4 | Ding Dong! Merrily On High | 2:00 |
7.5 | O Little Town Of Bethlehem | 3:19 |
7.6 | Silent Night | 2:33 |
7.7 | In The Bleak Midwinter | 4:19 |
7.8 | The First Nowell | 4:57 |
7.9 | Hark! The Herald Angels Sing | 3:06 |
7.10 | Away In A Manger | 1:59 |
7.11 | The Seven Joys Of Mary | 3:18 |
7.12 | The Infant King | 3:13 |
7.13 | God Rest You Merry Gentlemen | 3:30 |
7.14 | The Holly And The Ivy | 2:41 |
7.15 | I Saw Three Ships | 1:34 |
7.16 | O Come, All Ye Faithful | 4:02 |

CD Various - The Complete Christmas Celebration