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lead,-kindly-light-(hymns-of-faith-and-assurance) lead,-kindly-light-(hymns-of-faith-and-assurance)

CD Wells Cathedral Choir, & Rupert Gough, & Malcolm Archer - 'Lead, Kindly Light' (Hymns Of Faith And Assurance)

1 Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer (Cwm Rhondda) 2:39 2 Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Faithfulness) 3:36 3 There's A Wideness In God's Mercy (Corvedale) 3:56 4 Breathe On Me,...
all-things-bright-and-beautiful-(hymns-for-children) all-things-bright-and-beautiful-(hymns-for-children)

CD Wells Cathedral Choir, & Rupert Gough, & Malcolm Archer - All Things Bright And Beautiful (Hymns For Children)

1 All Things Bright And Beautiful 3:26 2 Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep ('Rocking') 2:02 3 Morning Has Broken 1:40 4 When A Knight Won His Spurs 1:51 5 There Is...
cloudburst-and-other-choral-works cloudburst-and-other-choral-works

CD Eric Whitacre - & Polyphony, & Stephen Layton - Cloudburst And Other Choral Works

1 I Thank You God For This Amazing Day 6:05 2 I Hide Myself 2:51 3 Sleep 5:33 4 I Will Wade Out 2:45 5 Go, Lovely Rose 4:07 6...
messiah messiah

CD Handel* - & Julia Doyle · & Iestyn Davies · & Allan Clayton · & Andrew Foster-Williams / & Polyphony / & Britten Sinfonia, & Stephen Layton - Messiah

Part One 1-1 Symphony 3:23 1-2 (Recit) Comfort Ye, My People 2:44 1-3 (Aria) Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted 3:06 1-4 (Chorus) And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be...
gilded-goldbergs gilded-goldbergs

CD Robin Holloway / & The Micallef-Inanga Piano Duo - Gilded Goldbergs

Gilded Goldbergs For Two Pianos After J S Bach, Op. 86 (1992-1997) Part I - First Set 1-1 Aria: G Major 1-2 Variation 1: Expanding The Theme: G 1-3 Variation...
piano-trios piano-trios

CD Schumann* - & The Florestan Trio - Piano Trios

Piano Trio No 1 In D Minor Op 63 1 Mit Energie Und Leidenschaft 11:49 2 Lebhaft, Doch Nicht Zu Rasch – Trio – [Reprise] – Coda 4:51 3 Langsam,...
fauré-&-duruflé:-requiem fauré-&-duruflé:-requiem

CD Matthew Best , & Corydon Singers, & English Chamber Orchestra - Fauré & Duruflé: Requiem

Requiem, Op. 48 1 I. Introït et Kyrie 23 II. Offertoire 3 III. Sanctus 4 IV. Pie Jesu 5 V. Agnus Dei 6 VI. Libera me 7 VII. In paradisum...
the-hyperion-schubert-edition---23 the-hyperion-schubert-edition---23

CD Franz Schubert, & Christoph Prégardien, & Graham Johnson - The Hyperion Schubert Edition - 23

1 Der Tod Oscars D375 16:37 2 Das Grab D337 2:03 3 Die Entfernten D350 2:12 4 Pflügerlied D392 1:48 5 Abschied von der Harfe D406 2:01 6 Der Jüngling...
une-cantate-de-noel;-amphion-prelude,-fugue-et-postlude;-cello-concerto,-horace-victorieux une-cantate-de-noel;-amphion-prelude,-fugue-et-postlude;-cello-concerto,-horace-victorieux



CD Honegger*, & BBC National Orchestra* And & Chorus Of Wales* - Une Cantate De Noel; 'Amphion' Prelude, Fugue Et Postlude; Cello Concerto, Horace Victorieux

Horace Victorieux 21:24 1 Anime 0:13 2 Camille Et Curiace 7:22 3 Entree Des Horaces 2:03 4 Entree De La Foule Précédant Les Héros 1:37 5 Annonce Et Préparatifs Du...
british-light-music-classics---4 british-light-music-classics---4

CD The New London Orchestra / & Ronald Corp - British Light Music Classics - 4

1 Marching Strings 2:45 2 Jaunting Car 3:13 3 High Heels 3:13 4 Dance Of An Ostracised Imp 3:21 5 Keltic Lament 4:14 6 Rhythm On Rails 2:47 7 By...
christ-triumphant-(great-hymn-tunes-of-the-twentieth-century) christ-triumphant-(great-hymn-tunes-of-the-twentieth-century)

CD Wells Cathedral Choir, & Rupert Gough, & Malcolm Archer - 'Christ Triumphant' (Great Hymn Tunes Of The Twentieth Century)

1 Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning (Guiting Power) 3:15 2 How Shall I Sing That Majesty (Coe Fen) 3:59 3 Like A Mighty River Flowing (Old Yeavering) 2:12 4 Father, Hear...
string-quartets string-quartets

CD Verdi* • & Strauss* - & Delmé Quartet* - String Quartets

8 Allegro - Vivace 7:34 7 Andante Cantabile 8:45 6 Scherzo - Trio 4:43 5 Allegro 8:28 4 Scherzo Fuga 4:34 3 Prestissimo 3:11 2 Andantino 7:50 1 Allegro 7:32...
baroque-collection baroque-collection

CD The King's Consort - Baroque Collection

1 Dixit Dominus 2:02 2 Welcome As The Dawn Of Day 3:34 3 Harelquinade And Aeolus 3:15 4 Who Is Like Unto Thee, O Lord? 3:33 5 Musette 4:40 6...
the-music-of-westminster-cathedral-choir the-music-of-westminster-cathedral-choir

CD Westminster Cathedral Choir - The Music Of Westminster Cathedral Choir

1 Great Is The Lord Op 67Sir Edward Elgar 10:27 2 Sanctus And Agnus Dei (Missa Brevis)Benjamin Britten 5:44 3 Omnes GentesChristopher Tye 4:36 4 Super Flumina BabylonisGiovanni Pierluigi da...
american-light-music-classics american-light-music-classics

CD The New London Orchestra & Ronald Corp - American Light Music Classics

1 The Washington Post 3:02 2 Whistling Rufus 3:11 3 Pavanne 3:53 4 Nola: A Silhouette 3:29 5 The Whistler And His Dog 2:50 6 Belle Of The Ball 2:51...