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in-utero in-utero

CD Nirvana - In Utero

Original Album: Remastered 1-1 Serve The Servants 3:37 1-2 Scentless Apprentice 3:48 1-3 Heart-Shaped Box 4:41 1-4 Rape Me 2:50 1-5 Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle 4:10...
murray-street murray-street

Vinyl (LP) Sonic Youth - Murray Street

A1 The Empty Page A2 Disconnection Notice A3 Karen Revisited B1 Rain On Tin B2 Radical Adults Lick Godhead Style B3 Plastic Sun B4 Sympathy For The Strawberry
in-utero in-utero

Vinyl (LP) Nirvana - In Utero

A1 Serve The Servants 3:34 A2 Scentless Apprentice 3:47 A3 Heart-Shaped Box 4:39 A4 Rape Me 2:49 A5 Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle 4:07 A6 Dumb 2:29...
nevermind nevermind

Vinyl (LP) Nirvana - Nevermind

A1 Smells Like Teen Spirit 5:00 A2 In Bloom 4:13 A3 Come As You Are 3:38 A4 Breed 3:03 A5 Lithium 4:16 A6 Polly 2:56 B1 Territorial Pissings 2:22 B2...
nevermind nevermind

CD Nirvana - Nevermind

1 Smells Like Teen Spirit 5:01 2 In Bloom 4:14 3 Come As You Are 3:39 4 Breed 3:03 5 Lithium 4:17 6 Polly 2:57 7 Territorial Pissings 2:23 8...
nirvana nirvana

Vinyl (LP) Nirvana - Nirvana

A1 You Know You're Right A2 About A Girl A3 Been A Son A4 Sliver A5 Smells Like Teen Spirit A6 Come As You Are A7 Lithium B1 In Bloom...
live-through-this live-through-this

CD Hole - Live Through This

1 Violet 3:24 2 Miss World 2:58 3 Plump 2:34 4 Asking For It 3:29 5 Jennifers Body 3:40 6 Doll Parts 3:31 7 Credit In The Straight World 3:10...
live-at-reading live-at-reading

DVD Nirvana - Live At Reading

1 Intro 1:44 2 Breed 2:57 3 Drain You 3:54 4 Aneurysm 4:34 5 School 3:12 6 Sliver 2:13 7 In Bloom 4:33 8 Come As You Are 3:34 9...
raditude raditude

CD Weezer - Raditude

1-01 (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To 3:29 1-02 I'm Your Daddy 3:09 1-03 The Girl Got Hot 3:15 1-04 Can't Stop Partying 4:22...

CD Pitchshifter -

1 Microwaved 3:38 2 2nd Hand 3:31 3 Genius 4:06 4 Civilised 4:38 5 Subject To Status 3:34 6 W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. 3:45 7 Please Sir 3:47 8 Disposable 3:38 9 A...
metamorphosis metamorphosis

CD Papa Roach - Metamorphosis

1 Days Оf War 1:32 2 Change Or Die 3:13 3 Hollywood Whore 3:56 4 I Almost Told You That I Loved You 3:10 5 Lifeline 4:07 6 Had Enough...
weezer weezer

CD Weezer - Weezer

1 Troublemaker 2:45 2 The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Variations on a Shaker Hymn) 5:52 3 Pork and Beans 3:09 4 Heart Songs 4:06 5 Everybody Get Dangerous 4:03...
raditude raditude

CD Weezer - Raditude

1 (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To 3:29 2 I'm Your Daddy 3:09 3 The Girl Got Hot 3:15 4 Can't Stop Partying 4:22...
endgame endgame

CD Rise Against - Endgame

1 Architects 2 Help Is On The Way 3 Make It Stop (September's Children) 4 Disparity By Design 5 Satellite 6 Midnight Hands 7 Survivor Guilt 8 Broken Mirrors 9...
nevermind nevermind

CD Nirvana - Nevermind

1 Smells Like Teen Spirit 5:01 2 In Bloom 4:14 3 Come As You Are 3:39 4 Breed 3:03 5 Lithium 4:17 6 Polly 2:57 7 Territorial Pissings 2:23 8...