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music-from-vienna-ii music-from-vienna-ii

CD Strauss* - Music From Vienna II

1 Künstlerleben Op. 316 "Walzer" (Artist's Life, Op. 316, "Waltz") 10:34 2 Vergnügungszug Op. 281 "Polka" (Luxury Train, Op. 281, "Polka") 2:51 3 Frühlingsstimmen Op. 410 "Walzer" (Voices Of Springtime,...
four-last-songs;-intermezzo-&-closing-scene-from-capriccio;-orchestral-songs four-last-songs;-intermezzo-&-closing-scene-from-capriccio;-orchestral-songs

CD Strauss* - & Felicity Lott, & Royal Scottish National Orchestra, & Neeme Järvi - Four Last Songs; Intermezzo & Closing Scene From Capriccio; Orchestral Songs

Vier Letzte Lieder, Op. Posth. (Four Last Songs) 20:19 1 Beim Schlafengehen (Going To Sleep) 5:25 2 September 4:12 3 Frühling (Spring) 2:57 4 Im Abendrot (At Dusk) 7:32 5...
eine-nacht-in-venedig--(a-night-in-venice) eine-nacht-in-venedig--(a-night-in-venice)

CD Strauß* - Eine Nacht In Venedig (A Night In Venice)

J. Strauss : Eine Nacht In Venedig (A Night In Venice) 1 Act I 55:06 1-1 Overture 6:46 1-2 Wenn Vom Lido Sacht 3:40 1-3 Frutti Di Mare 6:35 1-4...
masters-of-classical-music,-vol.4:-strauss masters-of-classical-music,-vol.4:-strauss



CD Strauss* - Masters Of Classical Music, Vol.4: Strauss

Die Fledermaus (Excerpts) 18:49 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Brüderlein Und Schwesterlein 1.3 Mein Herr, Was Dächten Sie Von Mir 1.4 Im Feuerstrom Der Reben 1.5 Mein Herr Marquis 1.6 Trinke, Liebchen...
strauss-favourite-waltzes strauss-favourite-waltzes

CD Strauss*, & Philharmonica Symphony Orchestra - Strauss Favourite Waltzes

1 On The Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314 10:53 2 Voices Of Spring, Op. 410 6:26 3 Viennese Bonbons, Op. 307 8:44 4 An Artist’s Life, Op. 316 9:35 5...
the-best-of-strauss the-best-of-strauss

CD Strauss* - The Best Of Strauss

1 The Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz 9:45 2 The Emperor Waltz 11:53 3 Die Fledermaus Overture 8:40 4 Morning Papers 10:35 5 Roses From The South 9:59 6 The Treasure...
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CD Strauss*, & New York Philharmonic*, & Leonard Bernstein - The Blue Danube / Artist's Life / The Emperor Waltz / Voices Of Spring / Vienna Blood Waltz

1 The Blue Danube Waltz, Op. 314 10:17 2 The Emperor Waltz, Op. 437 11:51 3 Vienna Blood Waltz, Op. 354 8:12 4 Artist's Life, Op. 316 7:55 5 Voices...