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CD Simon Sebag Montefiore - Speeches That Changed The World
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Состояние вещи: Использовал
1-1 | Introduction Simon Sebag Montefiore
1-2 | The Peace Of Europe Neville Chamberlain
1-3 | Blood, Toil, Tears, And Sweat Winston Churchill
1-4 | This Was Their Finest Hour Winston Churchill
1-5 | Never ... Was So Much Owed By So Many To So Few Winston Churchill
1-6 | The Only Thing We Have Left To Fear Is Fear Itself Franklin D. Roosevelt
1-7 | A Date Which Will Live In Infamy Franklin D. Roosevelt
1-8 | India Will Awake To Life And Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru
1-9 | I Have Just Left Your Fighting Sons In Korea General Douglas MacArthur
1-10 | I Am The First Accused Nelson Mandela
1-11 | Free At Last Nelson Mandela
1-12 | Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You John F. Kennedy
2-1 | Ich Bin Ein Berliner John F. Kennedy
2-2 | I Have A Dream Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2-3 | I've Seen The Promised Land Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2-4 | There Can Be No Whitewash At The White House Richard Nixon
2-5 | Hate, Ignorance And Evil Chaim Herzog
2-6 | In The Name Of The Hungry ... I Accept The Award Mother Teresa
2-7 | Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall! Ronald Reagan
2-8 | The Time For Negotiation Has Arrived Frederik Willem de Klerk
2-9 | A Great People Has Been Moved To Defend A Great Nation George W. Bush