
CD Mike Neville, & George House - The Very Best of Larn Yersel' Geordie and Geordierama

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Состояние вещи: Использовал

Код продукта: B5021541101822
Доступность: Доступно на складе Предварительный заказ баланса нет
Larn Yersel' Geordie: The Geordie Language
1.1 Lesson 1 - The Geordie Vowels
1.2 Lesson 2 - Porcy's Short
1.3 Lesson 3 - Divven't Drop Yor Dottle
1.4 Lesson 4 - Wor Lass
1.5 Lesson 5 - The Geordie 'R'
2 A Trip to the Clerb
3 Florrie on the Foreshore
4 High West Jesmond
5 Hawkses Men
6 Queen Victoria at the Clerb
7 Geordie Stephenson and the Tar Boiler
8 A Day at the Geordie Games
9 Here is the News
10 Brush Up Your Geordie - Gizza, Gorra, Sarrona
11 The Venerable Bede and the Travelling Dole