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CD Danielle Pauly - Fleur Du Jura
1 Rêve Gourmand 2:43 2 L'Épatante 1:50 3 Ballade Matinale 2:32 4 Délice Catalan 2:57 5 Rapide Digitale 3:04 6 Carte Postale 2:31 7 Ballade Vosgienne 2:09 8 Clin D'Œil...
CD Caliche - Music Of The Andes
1 Festival De Las Flores (Festival Of The Flowers) 3:13 2 Amanecer Andino (Andean Dawn) 3:04 3 Recuerdos Del Lago (Memories Of The Lake) 3:20 4 El Cóndor Pasa 5:41...
CD The Fairer Sax & Ann-Louise Lane & Gabrielle Lane & Karen Street & Julia Mills - Diversions With The Fairer Sax
1 The Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba 2:49 2 Quatour Pour Saxophones : Ouverture. Brillante 2:01 3 Quatour Pour Saxophones : Doloroso 3:50 4 Quatour Pour Saxophones : Spirituoso...
CD Kathryn Tickell - On Kielder Side
1 Joans Jig/Cut The File 3:32 2 Sweet Hesleyside/Hesleyside Reel 4:25 3 The Skate/Beeswing 3:29 4 Ronell's Reel/Bob Thompson's 2:51 5 Crooked Bawbee/J.B.Milne/Carrick Hornpipe 4:40 6 The Peacock Followed The...
CD Various - Enchanted Carols
1a Change RingingSt. Mary Redcliffe Guild Of Change Ringers 1b Hark The Herald Angels Sing - Mechanical MedleyNo Artist 4:55 2 A Virgin Most PureDartington Hall Handbell Choir 2:47 3...