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CD Various - Sounds Of The Deep
1 Haddock 1:50 2 Walrus 2:59 3 Leopard Seal 0:46 4 Harp Seal 10:03 5 Weddell Seal 2:28 6 Crabeater Seal 0:33 7 Ringed Seal 4:03 8 Dusky Dolphin 3:29...
CD Various - The Spoken Word - Children's Writers: Ten Celebrated Authors Read From Their Books
1 Winnie-The-PoohAlan Alexander Milne 2 The HobbitJ.R.R. Tolkien 3 Charlie And The Chocolate FactoryRoald Dahl 4 Paddington Helps OutMichael Bond 5 The Ghost Of Thomas KempePenelope Lively 6 Jim And...
CD Various - The Spoken Word: Poets
1 Charge Of The Light BrigadeAlfred Lord Tennyson 2 How They Brought The Good News From Ghent To AixRobert Browning 3 Vital LampadaSir Henry Newbolt 4 Drake's DrumSir Henry Newbolt...
CD Various - Bird Mimicry
1 Starling 2 Corn Bunting 3 Jay 4 Superb Lyrebird 5 Blackbird 6 Red Backed Shrike 7 Great Tit 8 Whinchat 9 Marsh Warbler 10 Song Thrush 11 Ruppell's Robin...
CD Royal Shakespeare Company - The Essential Shakespeare Live Encore
1-01 Othello (1959) From Act 1 Scene 3 9:50 1-02 Henry IV (1964) From Act 2 Scene 4 11:56 1-03 The Winter's Tale (1971) From Act 5 Scene 3 8:21...
CD Various - Voices Of History
1-1 To Edison From Colonel Gouraud, Introducing Mr Gladstone - The Phonographer's SalutationWilliam Ewart Gladstone 3:09 1-2 Speech On The BudgetHerbert Asquith 3:28 1-3 Speech On The BudgetDavid Lloyd George...