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Vinyl (LP) Benediktinerabtei Münsterschwarzach*, & Pater Godehard Joppich* - Gregorianischer Choral / Gregorian Chant / Chant Gregorien  :  Zwei Grosse Feste Des Kirchenjahres - Two Major Feasts Of The Church Year - Deux Grandes Fêtes de L'année Liturgiqu

Vinyl (LP) Benediktinerabtei Münsterschwarzach*, & Pater Godehard Joppich* - Gregorianischer Choral / Gregorian Chant / Chant Gregorien : Zwei Grosse Feste Des Kirchenjahres - Two Major Feasts Of The Church Year - Deux Grandes Fêtes de L'année Liturgiqu

Proprium Tertiae Missae In Nativitate Domini Nostri Iesu Christi A-1 Introitus : Puer Natus Est Nobis 4:28 A-2 Graduale : Viderunt Omnes 4:15 A-3 Alleluia. Dies Sanctificatus 2:36 A-4 Offertorium...
guiding-light- guiding-light-

CD Katherine Jenkins - Guiding Light

1 Homeward Bound 4:18 2 Jealous Of The Angels 3:51 3 A Gaelic Blessing 1:54 4 Morning Has Broken 3:31 5 Dros Gymru’n Gwlad - Finlandia 3:43 6 Never Enough...
the-sixteen---sounds-sublime the-sixteen---sounds-sublime

CD The Sixteen, & Harry Christophers - The Sixteen - Sounds Sublime

1-1 Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum 1-2 Ave Maria A 8 1-3 Ave Verum Corpus 1-4 Iste Confessor 1-5 Spem In Alium 1-6 Man That Is Born Of A Woman 1-7...
abundance-=-abondance-=-füllhorn abundance-=-abondance-=-füllhorn

CD Various - Abundance = Abondance = Füllhorn

1 Der Rose Pilgerhaft = The Pilgrimage Of The Rose = Le Pelerinage De La RoseRobert Schumann, Robert Schumann 2 Combattimento Di Tancredi E ClorindaClaudio Monteverdi, Claudio Monteverdi 3 Hortus...
prom-praise-live! prom-praise-live!

CD All Souls Orchestra, & The All Souls Choir And The & Prom Praise Choir* Conducted By & Noël Tredinnick - Prom Praise Live!

1 Hosanna Hosanna 2:52 2 Finlandia 7:08 3 All Creatures Of Our God And King 3:38 4 Thanks Be To God 3:45 5 Majesty 2:57 6 Meditation 5:14 7 Fighter...
choral choral

CD Ensemble Planēta - Choral

1 ヴォカリーズ 2 タイム・フォー・アス (『ロミオとジュリエット』愛のテーマ) 3 ニーナ 4 埴生の宿 (イングランド民謡) 5 アダージョ 6 スオ・ガン (ウェールズ民謡) 7 ドナウ川のさざ波 8 タンホイザー 9 ヴァイオリン協奏曲 ホ短調 10 夜もすがら (ウェールズ民謡) 11 パンセ
let-there-be-light---sacred-music-from-europe let-there-be-light---sacred-music-from-europe

CD The Chapel Choir Of Trinity College, Oxford, & Benjamin Morrell - Let There Be Light - Sacred Music From Europe

Music From Italy 1 Sicut Cervus 2:53 2 O Salutaris Hostia 6:07 3 O Bone Jesu 1:32 Music From Spain 4 Santa Maria Strella Do Dia 2:00 5 Partite Sopra...
alleluia alleluia

CD The Priests - Alleluia

1 Morning Has Broken 2 Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring 3 Nearer My God To Thee 4 The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23) 5 Be Thou My Vision 6...
the-best-classical-album-of-the-millennium...ever! the-best-classical-album-of-the-millennium...ever!

CD Various - The Best Classical Album Of The Millennium...Ever!

1-1 CanonJohann Pachelbel 3:39 1-2 The Four Seasons - 'Winter'Antonio Vivaldi 2:04 1-3 AdagioTomaso Albinoni 5:48 1-4 'Pastoral' SymphonyLudwig van Beethoven 6:41 1-5 Clarinet ConcertoWolfgang Amadeus Mozart 4:35 1-6 Cello...
lead,-kindly-light-(hymns-of-faith-and-assurance) lead,-kindly-light-(hymns-of-faith-and-assurance)

CD Wells Cathedral Choir, & Rupert Gough, & Malcolm Archer - 'Lead, Kindly Light' (Hymns Of Faith And Assurance)

1 Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer (Cwm Rhondda) 2:39 2 Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Faithfulness) 3:36 3 There's A Wideness In God's Mercy (Corvedale) 3:56 4 Breathe On Me,...
all-things-bright-and-beautiful-(hymns-for-children) all-things-bright-and-beautiful-(hymns-for-children)

CD Wells Cathedral Choir, & Rupert Gough, & Malcolm Archer - All Things Bright And Beautiful (Hymns For Children)

1 All Things Bright And Beautiful 3:26 2 Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep ('Rocking') 2:02 3 Morning Has Broken 1:40 4 When A Knight Won His Spurs 1:51 5 There Is...
tenebrae-nocturn-op.-72,-missa-cantuariensis-op.-59,-three-motets-op.-76,-five-motets-op.-37- tenebrae-nocturn-op.-72,-missa-cantuariensis-op.-59,-three-motets-op.-76,-five-motets-op.-37-

CD Edmund Rubbra, & The Sixteen, & Harry Christophers - Tenebrae Nocturn Op. 72, Missa Cantuariensis Op. 59, Three Motets Op. 76, Five Motets Op. 37

Tenebrae - First Nocturn Op. 72 1 In Monte Oliveti 2 Tristis Est Anima Mea 3 Ecce Vidimus Eum Three Motets Op. 76 4 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men...
christmas-carols christmas-carols

CD Kings College Choir* - Christmas Carols

1 A Child is Born In Bethlehem 2:30 2 Away In A Manger 2:07 3 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 4:08 4 I Saw Three Ships 1:43 5 In Dulce...
cloudburst-and-other-choral-works cloudburst-and-other-choral-works

CD Eric Whitacre - & Polyphony, & Stephen Layton - Cloudburst And Other Choral Works

1 I Thank You God For This Amazing Day 6:05 2 I Hide Myself 2:51 3 Sleep 5:33 4 I Will Wade Out 2:45 5 Go, Lovely Rose 4:07 6...
requiem requiem

CD Dvořák*, & István Kertész - Requiem

Requiem, Op. 89 1-1 I Requiem Aeternam 10:37 1-2 II Graduale 5:08 1-3 III Dies Irae 2:09 1-4 IV Tuba Mirum 8:35 1-5 V Quid Sum Miser 6:02 1-6 VI...