1 | Sinfonia | 3:10 |
2 | Comfort Ye, Me People - Every Valley Shall Be Exalted | 6:42 |
3 | And The Glory Of The Lord | 2:38 |
4 | Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion | 5:54 |
5 | For Unto Us A Child Is Born | 4:03 |
6 | Pifa | 0:58 |
7 | Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion | 4:04 |
8 | Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Open'd... He Shall Feed His Flock | 5:31 |
9 | He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men | 11:10 |
10 | How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Him | 3:22 |
11 | Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together? | 3:12 |
12 | Hallelujah! | 3:43 |
13 | I Know That My Redeemer Liveth | 6:07 |
14 | Behold, I Tell You A Mystery... The Trumpet Shall Sound | 9:36 |
15 | Worthy Is The Lamb... Amen | 7:18 |

CD Handel*, & The Scholars Baroque Ensemble - The Messiah (Highlights)