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CD Eddie Izzard - Definite Article

1 The Shaftesbury Theatre 2 Thimbles/Animals 3 Supermarkets 4 Old Ladies 5 Dog Food 6 Supermarkets/Vegetables/Vegetarians/Vegetables/Bread/Queues 7 Shoplifting 8 Poetry/Mice 9 Suffering Fools 10 Latin/French 11 France/Exchange Trip 12 Being...

CD Eddie Izzard - Dress To Kill

1 San Francisco 2 American Dream 3 Empire 4 2nd World War 5 Pearl Harbour To Russia 6 Italian & Fascists 7 European Union 8 Male Tomboy 9 Executive Transvestite...

CD Eddie Izzard - Glorious

Old Testament 1 Glorious 2 In Bed With God 3 Noah On Speed 4 The Tyranny Of Ducks 5 The River Styx 6 Mystic Hopscotch 7 Fill Me With The...

CD Eddie Izzard - Unrepeatable

1 Advertising / Are You Happy With Your Wash 2 Attacking The Prince / Secret Service 3 Question Time / Afghanistan 4 Holland / Shouting 5 Cats And Dogs 6...