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CD Donnie Munro - Heart Of America - Across The Great Divide

1 Heart Of America 6:24 2 Strangers To The Pine 5:45 3 Winds Of Our Time 4:04 4 A'Coiseachd Tràth (Walking Early) 5:29 5 Mo Chruinneag Bhòidheach (My Beautiful Young...

CD Wendy Stewart - Standing Wave

1 Flowres Of The Forrest 4:43 2 Reel Set 3:07 3 Now Draw Up Close And Hear My Song 4:36 4 Fires At Midnight 3:39 5 Down The Hill/Annan Polka...

CD The Poozies - Yellow Like Sunshine

Hò Mhòrag 4:59 1a Hò Mhòrag 1b John Stephen Of Chance Inn 2 Black Eyed Susan 2:43 The Great Alpaca 5:46 3a The Hen's March 3b Nina's Jig 3c El...